Car PC: Linux distibution and customizations

2011-05-11 23:08 by Ian

The distro is Arch. It was chosen for its light-weight, customizability, and its fantastic documentation. The fact that it is a binary distribution is also helpful if you’d rather focus on writing software.

The following modifications were made to the distro…

Touchscreen configuration:

Relevant output from the lsusb command:
Bus 005 Device 002: ID 0eef:0001 D-WAV Scientific Co., Ltd eGalax TouchScreen

Now… There exists a generic driver for this device at this URL. Yes. It must be built from scratch. Building it is not difficult, but making the compiled result work under X is.

After much argument, I came to these settings for Xorg:

Section “InputClass” Identifier “touchscreen evtouch” MatchIsTouchscreen “on” MatchDevicePath “/dev/input/evtouch_event” Driver “evtouch”

Section “InputDevice” Identifier “Evtouch TouchScreen” Driver “evtouch” Option “Device” “/dev/input/evtouch_event” Option “DeviceName” “evtouchscreen” Option “MinX” “80” Option “MinY” “110” Option “MaxX” “1950” Option “MaxY” “1840” Option “SwapX” “1” Option “ReportingMode” “Raw” Option “SendCoreEvents” “true” Option “AutoServerLayout” “on” Option “AccelerationProfile” “0”

The monitor’s resolution is goofy. I managed to set it correctly. My Xorg conf for that is…

Section “Monitor” Identifier “Monitor0” Option “PreferredMode” “848×480”

Section “Device” Identifier “Device0” Driver “intel”

Section “Screen” Identifier “Screen0” Device “Device0” Monitor “Monitor0” DefaultDepth 24 SubSection “Display” Depth 24 Modes “848×480_75.00” EndSubSection
