I think I fried my first digit
2017-04-29 01:27 by Ian
This is a running log of my postmortem analysis.
Digitabulum r2 PCBs have arrived
2017-02-18 01:11 by Ian
The r2 hardware arrived Friday. Had CPLD images flashed by Saturday. I'm crazy-busy writing enough firmware for the ESP32 to test it. Until then, photos...
Digitabulum: Flex circuits, and a release choice
2017-01-05 23:46 by Ian
After 1.5 years, the digit design is complete, and is real hardware on my desk. This was easily the hardest (and most expensive) part of the project.
Digitabulum: Digit update
2016-12-14 01:48 by Ian
First articles of the flex parts arrived today. This is a panel as it arrives at the assembly house. This one was shipped to me as a representative sample that I can use for testing some EE parameters.
Digitabulum: Final digit layout
2016-10-19 02:13 by Ian
Fabricator is ready to roll with the flex circuits, after a looooong game of ping-pong and a few re-work cycles. Getting things right in such tight constraints was not a trivial task. And after more than a year of refinement, the digits should be landing on my bench around this time next month.
CPLD is ready-to-rock
2016-07-04 00:03 by Ian
As of today, the CPLD is a solved-problem. All the design goals detailed in my prior post are satisfied and have been tested up-to ~5MHz input clock.
Digitabulum Design Choices: CPLD
2016-03-12 23:15 by Ian
This is the third post in a series of posts detailing the rationale for design choices in our motion capture glove. I will try and anticipate questions that informed users will ask. This post will discuss the sequence of choices that culminated in r0's CPLD and give some indications of what was changed.
Digitabulum: Placing the USB port
2015-10-30 03:19 by Ian
This is a log of the steps needed to place Digitabulum r1's USB port manually.
Populated r1 PCBs have arrived
2015-10-25 01:02 by Ian
October has been a busy month for hardware...
Data structures (Priority queues)
2015-06-20 21:57 by Ian
This will be an examination of one of the two key data structures in ManuvrOS: The Priority Queue.